
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My music taste at the moment

Recently, I think I have become a couch potato! haha :D According to our new cable subscription, we now have MTV Asia and Channel V! Plus, I get to watch The Voice (American Singing Competition where Adam from Maroon 5, Blake Shelton, Celo & Christina are judges) from Monday to Friday too!!! haha I gotta start doing some stretching exercises while I watch TV. Oh well!

The good thing about listening to a lot of music is that I just get lost in these upbeat songs and forget my troubles for awhile! It just makes me feel cheerful! I am starting to love "Wings" by Little Mix.  I don't know about you but sometimes, its just hard not to let people's opinions get to me.  I have to give myself some pep talk and songs are a great way to go, you know? Let's not let people get us down! At the end of the day, the only opinions which matter are our loved ones' and they are not gonna make you feel bad about yourself.

Another song I have come to love is "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction.  Haha I know I know that I am such a late comer to this One Direction love-fest but hey, better late than never! :D Most of the boy band song lyrics are just so-so. Those songs are popular mostly due to catchy tunes. But I felt that this particular song not only has catchy tunes but has relevant and relatable lyrics, you know? 

Look at Dove's latest beauty campaign. FBI-trained forensic artist drew 2 sketches of each woman - one based on how she described herself and another one based on how a stranger described her. The two sketches are quite different and the one based on strangers' description looks much nicer. It goes to show how insecure we feel about our looks (me included). So don't blame me for thinking One Direction song has a great message :D

Miss N

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