
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Journey to the K land! Day 1 Part 3 - 2 Feb 2013

After a great time appreciating peacefulness of the old palace, we headed to the Bukchon Hanok Village. It is "a residential district since the Joseon Dynasty which offers various traditional cultural programs including craft classes and exhibitions" and is made very popular among the tourists by the drama "Personal Taste". 

After leaving the palace compound from the side entrance near the folk museum, cross the street and walk along the red arrow for about 20-25 minutes. The entire street is filled with pretty cafes and cute boutique shops.


There are stairs to go up to the Bukchon Hanok Village BEFORE this Hello Kitty Cafe.

From the top of the staircase, follow the signs and continue walking for about 3-4 minutes and you would have reached the Bukchon Hanok Village!

After a few minutes, we walked back down these stairs.

This is the beginning / end of staircase to go / come back from the Bukchon Hanok Village

My travel buddy's Korean friend traveled all the way from Busan to Seoul to meet her.  So we had dinner together in the Samcheon Dong area.

Dumpling Soup

Beef Steak

Seafood Pancake

Subway stations in Seoul have these big full-length mirrors! We gotta make full use of them right? So we snapped a shot when we reached Anguk Station. Just before we took train to the Express Bus Terminal for some shopping, we bought our T-money cards (like EZ link cards in Singapore) for 3,000 Won each.  BUT there were so many coupons which came with T-money card that it was more than enough to cover for the card fees of 3,000 Won!

Purchases of the day from Myeong Dong and Express Bus Terminal hehe :D

That's it for the first day of our trip!

Miss N

Korea Day 1

Korea Day 2

Korea Day 3

Korea Day 4

Korea Day 5

Korea Day 6

Korea Day 7

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