
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, September 22, 2017

Travelogue to Pyin Oo Lwin - Myanmar's Hill Top Getaway (4 Jan 2016)

We left hotel slightly later around 9:45am as we had to pack all our stuff and checked out.  We grabbed breakfast along the way, popped over to the market to buy some souvenirs and snacks before heading to Dee Dote Blue Lagoon, located between Mandalay and Pyin Oo Lwin. 

After about a 100 min drive, we reached Dee Dote car park around 12:40pm and we proceeded on foot to climb gravel-covered paths which could be quite steep at some parts. However, the harsh heat from the noon sun was draining our energy quickly which resulted in us huffing and puffing our way towards the end of 20-30 min hike to reach the blue lagoons of Dee Dote waterfall.   

There is actually a pretty funny story about that red box in the photo. I think noon heat was too much for my brain to function properly.  To keep whatever is left of my dignity, let me just keep that story as an inside joke :D

Unfortunately, there were already several visitors taking a dip at these dazzling blue lagoons that it wasn't that blue by the time we reached.  In fact, it was quite muddy brown so our recommendation would be to reach the lagoons latest by 1130am. 

Just look at the state of "blue lagoon" in bottom left corner of the photo
not so blue anymore yeah?

The return journey seems faster and easier as we knew what to expect.  Even thought there were small huts selling drinks and snacks, there weren't proper place to have lunch. We sincerely thanked our lucky stars that we had such heavy and late breakfast before setting out for the day.

You will need to travel on a narrow road out of Dee Dote for about 40 minutes before reaching the main Mandalay-Lashio road.  We dropped off our friend who was flying back to Yangon at the Mandalay International Airport around 5pm. We too then embarked on our own journey home.  Dinner was at 285th mile FEEL and we alternated between playing cards in the bus, singing along to guitar tunes and taking naps till we pulled into Yangon around 1am on 5 Jan!  

Looking back, I was glad that we took on this adventure because I won't have that level of stamina to take on such activity-packed travels as I grow older. 

Till next trip.

Miss N

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