
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Travelogue to Pyin Oo Lwin - Myanmar's Hill Top Getaway (3 Jan 2016)

Due to our late bedtime previous night, we only headed out around 930am towards the Pyin Oo Lwin Central Market, near clock tower. 

Purcell Tower
Built in 1934 by Gillete and Johnson Co. of England in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the reign of King George V of Britain

According to the noodle shop owner, breakfast was already winding down although it was just 10am. Each bowl of goodness was just 800 Kyats and guess how many we wolfed down? 17 bowls for 10 people. 

We took a stroll along the main road, pursuing local products ranging from sweaters to coffee, strawberry and wine. 
Even Mr.Milo got a really cute sweater from the market!

With our full bellies, we moved onto the first stop for sightseeing - The View Resort to soak in the refreshing scenery of Dat Taw Gyaik Waterfall.  Observation deck at the resort offered us an opportunity to enjoy the landscape without actually torturing ourselves with a 45 minutes trek down and another 90 min trek back up to the road. 

The resort is just 30 min drive away from the market.  Entrance fees you paid could be used to offset the bill at a cafe, where you can enjoy coffee and some snacks.

After taking tonnes of photos and savouring mid-day snack, we stopped over at a coffee plantation for a few minutes.

We then popped over to Pyin Oo Lwin's splendid National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens.

This 177-hectare garden was first established in 1915. It serves as home to over 700 species of flora and fauna, endangered wild animals and 3 museums. 

Agreeable afternoon temperatures around 17-19C, rolling green hills and flowerbeds make for a lovely setting to enjoy picnic outdoor on dreamy Sundays.  

We spent just 2 hours inside the garden as our tummies were protesting for late lunch.  The traffic going in and out of the gardens was horrible though due to an influx of local tourists from surrounding town! 

Our extremely late 4pm lunch was at Woodland and it was just so so. We felt San Francisco could very well be the best restaurant in town. 

We then embarked on a half an hour journey towards the December Farm, recognized for their warm natural soothing glass of milk. Although we reached there at 5pm, the farm ran out of milk already!!! Grhhhh but do you think we gave up? Nahhh we ordered glasses of yogurt (800 Kyats a cup) instead.

We spent about 15 minutes at Maha Ant Htoo Kan Thar pagoda, located near the farm. This glittering pagoda is home to a massive 17-ton white marble Buddha statue which fell down off the truck on the way to China.  After several failed attempts to retrieve the image to complete the journey, a new pagoda was built to enshrine this stunning marble Buddha Image.

We then wrapped up our sightseeing, headed back to hotel, freshened up before going to Fudo restaurant for mini steamboat buffet which cost only 7,000 Kyats per person!

Not as good as Shwe Lar Hotpot in Yangon but for a 7,000 Kyats buffet, we were not complaining. 

That's it and read on for our last day of our short local adventure.

Miss N

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