
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mt.Popa with Friends - 22 June 2015

We took our time savouring breakfast, chilling around the resort and packing our bags before checking out.

Our first stop was Popa Taung Ka Lat, where mischievous monkeys reside.  Considering I used to have such phobia of animals (before I got a little beagle in Jan 2017), I was quite apprehensive of encountering them and was holding onto my friends for dear life :D  

After climbing 777 steps towards the summit, we were rewarded handsomely for our efforts.

 There is a monastery lodged dramatically atop the Popa Taung Ka Lat, which offers far-fetching bird's eye view of the surrounding area.  

 5 for our high school
(aka Basic High School Education (5) Botataung) 

  At the entrance of a building to pay respect to 37 Nats (Spirits) of the area (located at the base of Popa Taung Ka Lat)  

They looked lovely and friendly at times but remember, they could be naughty too. Right in front of my eyes, I saw one of them snatched away a visitor's pair of sunglasses. Monkeys were clever enough to pass on those sunglasses in a relay fashion to ensure they were out of the owner's reach, in a blink of an eye. 

 Late lunch on the way back to Yangon

 Along the way, we stopped by our new capital Nay Pyi Daw but unfortunately, we couldn't go anywhere near the parliament buildings as it was in session.  Those orange barricades were as far as we could go to catch a glimpse. 

Impromptu photoshoot in the middle of 20-lanes highway, where there is no traffic

It was almost 9pm by the time we pulled into Yangon proper but we were not ready to say goodbye yet. We stopped for late dinner at DIY hotpot in South Okkala before finally parting ways! It definitely wasn't a relaxing trip but a fun one nonetheless (:

Miss N

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