
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Travelogue to Pyin Oo Lwin - Myanmar's Hill Top Getaway (2 Jan 2016)

Right after ringing in a new year, we embarked on a trip towards the hill top getaway "Pyin Oo Lwin". This trip was further made special by our little fur-guest - Mr. Milo (a fur baby of our friends, Mike & Rachel).  After getting a doggie of my own, I realised how tough it must have been for our friends and Milo. Just think of unannounced bathroom breaks and a risk of Mr. Milo running out of our mini bus.  Heart-stopping!  So good job Milo, you had been such an angel!!!

Back to the trip

We were still working full time on 1 Jan before meeting at Oishi Sushi (Sayar San) around 730pm for dinner. By 930pm, our mini bus fetched us from there and off we go on our 3-days-2-nights journey. If I remember correctly, bus fare for our 3-days holiday was 800,000 Kyats inclusive of mini bus, 2 drivers, fuel and toll fees.

Supper at 115th mile FEEL 
~ 16,500 Kyats for 11 of us

Upon arrival in Mandalay around 8am, our first stop was Mahamuni Buddha Image, considered the holiest pagoda in this last royal capital. The most crowded time was early morning around sunrise, for the ritual of washing face of the Image.  Legends has it that Mahamuni was originally from Arakan and one of the only 5 likenesses of Gautama Buddha created during His lifetime.

(one of the older photos from our 2012 trip)

600 years old Khmer statues which had been brought along as war loots to various kingdoms

Ankor Wat (Cambodia) => Ayutthaya (Thailand) =>
 Bago (Myanmar) => Mrauk U (Myanmar) =>
 Amarapura / Mandalay (Myanmar)

Of the thirty statues King Ba Yint Naung brought from Thailand, only six remained today as King Thibaw melted many of them to build cannons, during the final days of Kon Baung Dynasty, before the British annexed Upper Myanmar in 1885.

Around 9:30am, we had breakfast at Shwe Pyi Soe tea shop next to Sedona Hotel.  One of the must-try dishes was Mandalay Mont Tee noodle salad. I think glutton us ordered 2 servings for each of us :D
~ 21,500 Kyats for 11 of us

About an hour later, we walked over to Sedona next door as Mister needed his dose of proper coffee for morning wake up call.  Using his coffee purchase as an excuse, we utilized the hotel's bathroom facilities to freshen up. hehehe 

Next stop was a 790 feet high Mandalay Hill, with its many glittering pagodas and monasteries.  The key attraction though was the wide expanse of scenery from the top of the hill.

Afterwards, we headed next to Shwe Kyaung Monastery (Shwe Nan Taw Monastery).  If you don't have time to visit many places in Mandalay, this one must be included in your short itinerary though. Teak carvings in this Burmese architectural beauty were simply exquisite.

Originally, this wooden building was part of the royal palace of Mandalay, where King Mindon used to reside before his death.  During the reign of his son King Thibaw in 1878, this royal apartment was dismantled and relocated to just outside the Palace compound as a monastery. That move turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it allowed this beautiful wooden structure to escape relatively unscathed during the bombings of WWII.  As such, it was the only complete building left of the original Mandalay Palace.

By 1:30pm, we were starving! I honestly have no idea how we could eat so much when we just napped on the bus?  Lunch was at Ya Mon Nar restaurant, renowned for SaGaw Hta Min - rice and several pre-determined dishes of the day served on a huge banana leaf platter, perfect for sharing.

~ 75,000 Kyats for 11 of us 
(We had 3 or 4 platters + additional dishes so I felt lunch was totally worth it as it worked out to just USD 5.00 per pax)

Next on agenda was the acclaimed 1.2km-long U Bein Bridge, built in 1850 across  the Taung Tha Man Lake in Amarapura. It was utterly gorgeous against the orange rays of setting sun.  Of course, the world's oldest and longest teakwood bridge's reputation with the photographers (even the aspiring ones) was well warranted.  

We fetched one of our friends (who flew in) from Mandalay airport around 6 pm before heading off to our scenic hill town destination.  Due to our driver having to negotiate winding mountain roads in the dark, we took our time and pulled into Pyin Oo Lwin only around 8:30 pm.  At an altitude of 3510 feet, we were welcomed by gust of cold wind - a refreshing change from the warm temperatures of Mandalay.

We absolutely recommend San Francisco restaurant for dinner. Both pork stew and fried pork nuggets get thumbs-up from us. Sorry, no photo since we devoured the delectable dishes as soon as we were served :D

~ 110,000 Kyats for 11 of us 

10pm found us checking into our rooms and grabbing much-needed showers. Hotel rate was probably 50,000 Kyats per double room per night. As what usually happened whenever we travelled with friends, we still refused to turn in and played card games well into the night!

Up next, our excursion around Pyin Oo Lwin.

Miss N

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