
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, October 9, 2015

USA Trip Day 1 - 4 Sep 2014 - Stonetown Galleria Mall

Wow finally The Epic Trip of Our Lives is here! It may not be the case for Mister since he grew up there, but I was pretty thrilled about this month-long trip to the States since it will be my very first foray outside of Asia. And honestly, how often do we get to indulge in one month of vacationing? Lucky us indeed :D

 First, let me indulge in good old Asian food of pork ribs soup, before I subject myself to Western food for a whole month! 

 Sunrise = Beginning of a new day, also a beautiful start to our journey (: 

At Changi Airport

Since his paternal side of the family lived in San Francisco,  we also settled upon the bay area as our entry and exit points in and out of the USA. 

There was no direct route for Singapore Airlines between Singapore and San Francisco.  We decided upon 1 hour transit in Seoul, instead of Hong Kong since the city has a special place in both of our heart. It was the place where we enjoyed our student life to the max during our respective exchange programs.  Out of nostalgia, Mister even bought bread from Paris Baguette, despite the fact the SQ fed us so well with snacks in between frequent meals. 

 While in Korea, Take photos with Hallayu stars (Their posters will be a great substitute too, if you don't have your moment of celebrity sighting)

 Or with their life-size cupboard cutout :D

Wow from up here, these apartment buildings of Korea reminded me of lego blocks!

The flight experience was, needless to say, a great one, as expected of SQ. In-flight entertainment included my favorite drama "My Love From Another Star" even! Of course, as I always said, SQ in-flight menu offered the only edible plane food.  Fortunately, we were given first row seats of our section, which allowed us to enjoy ample leg room!  I must say our trip started out on a great note!

We landed there in late afternoon and Mister's dad fetched us from SFO.  To avoid jet lag, we refused to sleep but Uncle insisted on us taking a short nap.

After we showered, had a nap and enjoyed some fruits, he drove us to the Stonetown Galleria Mall nearby.  We browsed through a couple of shops such as Macy's, Trader's Joe and Apple Store.  

Clothing at Macy's were quite large for me and the designs were not really to an Asian girl's taste? Trader's Joe was great though, so colorful and many organic food on offer! There was also a cute personal touch with hand-written food descriptions and prices. It was definitely a refreshing change from computer-printed notes. 

But guess what, I was most excited about visiting the Apple Store. It was the very first time I was in the actual Apple Store.  In Singapore, we only had authorized retailers without genius bars  and the signature look with maple wood tables. Just a few days ahead of the much-awaited annual September launch event, it was just a great time to be at one of stores of the iconic retail operation.

Uncle kindly prepared dinner for us and refused our help totally. He said we must had been so tired after such a long-haul flight. Being great kids that we were, we went to bed by 11pm. Mister was actually jealous of me because his dad gave me the guest bedroom and he was banished to air mattress in the living room! MWAHAHA :D 

Miss N

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