
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Spring Break in Korea Day 14 (10 April 2015) - Part I

SO EXCITED TO BE VISITING THE FILMING SET!!! Its not just any set, its THE set used in My Love From Another Star!! Remember the mysterious alien Do Min Joon & adorable actress Cheon Song Yi? That was definitely my favorite drama in 2014.  I even shared about it to Mister, friends and colleagues and they became fans too. Can you feel my excitement? I just couldn't stand still :D

This exhibition was initially supposed to be held from 10 June 2014 till 15 August 2014 at Dongdaemun Design Plaza.  I knew about it but I was resigned to missing it since my trip would be much later, in April 2015. 

Lo and behold, the exhibition was such a hit and so, it was extended till 31 August 2015!!!!!! However, the location was moved to much farther KINTEX (Korea International Exhibition Center).  Nearest subway station is Daehwa on Line 3, Exit 1.

Lady luck was on our side as we saw the exhibition posters at a travel agent counter inside Seoul Station. Normal price for entrance fees was 15,000 Won.  With transportation to and from Seoul Station, travel agency was selling the package for 20,000 Won per pax.  However, they were running a 2-for-1 promotion so we just paid 20,000 Won for both of us.  I was thinking this must be the sign that I should see this exhibition :D

The meeting point was at Seoul Station, travel agent counter at 9am.  We took a short nap on the bus and reached KINTEX around 10am. We were given 2 hours to walk around and take photos. You might think 2 hours was a lot but trust me, for a fan, that wasn't much! But it would do for now since there weren't many visitors due to the early time. 

Remember this carriage from the first episode? 
From the scene where Do Min Joon met his leading lady for the first time, as soon as he landed on earth

I seriously thought all filming took place in an actual condo,as well as the real lift lobby and elevator. But they are all from the indoor studio set! Amazing isn't it? Kudos to the production team for creating such detailed and beautiful sets.  

In Do Min Joon's bedroom, where quite a number of cute and romantic scenes were filmed!

I honestly prefer Do Min Joon's flat to Cheon Song Yi's condo.  

 I seriously want this indoor garden with flowing mini stream in my home next time!

Beautiful, Magnificent, Gorgeous, Splendid hidden library who collections reflected how long Do Min Joon had resided on Earth

Trying to look chic in a stylish actress' swanky home :D

Spot Brown & Cony from Line messaging app! 

 Remember how Cheon Song Yi was a huge fan of fried chicken and beer? Its called Chi-Mak in Korean, a combination of CHI from chicken and MAK from mak-ju, a Korean word for beer. So there is a Chi-Mak eatery, as soon as we stepped out of the exhibition hall. We didn't eat though as we felt it was too early to enjoy oily food and alcohol :D

This is the travel agency's minivan that brought us to KINTEX.

That's it from this eager fan-girl with too many exclamation marks :D

Miss N

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