
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Spring Break in Korea Day 14 (10 April 2015) - Part II

The bus promptly dropped us off back at Seoul Station around noon and we walked back to our flat  for lunch. We went overboard buying food the previous night and didn’t even get around to tasting beef rib soup and rice ball.  With fresh Korean strawberries, Starbucks coffee and black bean milk, they made for an appetising lunch. 

Afterwards, we headed out to Yeouido Park for Seoul cherry blossom festival.  If you are armed with a great DSLR camera, you can also go there at night to enjoy over 1000 cheery trees lighted up to create a romantic ambience. After visiting both Yeouido area and Jinhae, I prefer Jinhae cherry festival though.  Nonetheless, Seoul has many places for you to catch these lovely flowers during their fleeting blossom season. For instance, at Namsan Mountain, the view of cherry trees must be stunning with N-Seoul Tower in the backdrop.

How to get there: Yeouinaru Station, Line 5, Exit 1 OR
                      National Assembly Station, Line 9, Exit 1 or 6

Since the subway station, the entire place was packed and that was still Friday afternoon.  And they were not all tourists. I was pleasantly surprised to see many locals enjoying the sun, flowers and gentle breeze by the Han river. Mister suggested these locals probably took leave, to enjoy such a pleasant day outdoor! Like what? I had a hard time grasping the idea that people choose to burn their annual leave just to relax in their own cities! 

We have always wanted to just sit on the grass and be able to appreciate the warmth of sunlight without having to complain about the heat.  Seoul’s spring weather allowed us to do just that and we did have an enjoyable pleasant time.  There were many food carts along the road so you don’t have to worry about lack of food options. 

Han River

Onto Yeouido Park

After spending the whole afternoon along Han river and strolling through Yeouido Park, we left for Hongdae around 5pm.  

Hongdae had become unbearably crowded in the recent years and I would avoid it if I could, in favour of neighbouring university areas such as SInchon and Edae.  However, Mister wanted to visit a sheep cafe located near Hongik University so here we are.  

It was called “Thanks Nature Cafe” and located near the main gate of the university.  There were two very cute, chubby and docile sheep.  They were not really scared of human but not extremely friendly (like dogs) with us either.  They kept to themselves and kept munching continuously!  You could persuade them to come near you with food though :D

From Hongik University Station, Line 2, Exit 9, just walk towards Hongik University main gate. While facing the university, the cafe is on you left, in the basement.  You gotta walk down the staircase shown in the above photo reach the cafe and sheep pen.

486, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu
Seogyo Prugio Apartment store B121

 Aren't they just adorable?

About an hour later, it was time to head to our favourite BBQ place in Sinchon.  However, we both didn’t want to brave through the crowd, which was worst around the subway area so we took bus 273 instead for 4 stops.  

delectable Korean BBQ dinner

It was about the time when Fast & Furious 7 had come out so Mister’s friend was kind enough to help us buy movie tickets.  Friday night weekend movie ticket cost us 10,000 Won each.  When we reached CGV cinema in Sinchon area, we discovered that tickets were purchased for a CGV cinema at another place!!! However, the staff at the cinema were so nice to exchange the tickets for the cinema we were at.  As there was only 4D movie showing there, we had to top up 4,000 Won each though.  

Sinchon's CGV Cinema

Wow, it was an amazing experience.  Whenever the characters were fighting, we could feel the punches through our chair.  We felt the same moving sensation when the characters were driving their vehicles fast and furiously.  There was even water spraying to us during the speedboat scene.  Needless to say, the last few scenes and the song See You Again had all of us in tears too! Great movie. Touching ending.

After drying our tears in the bathroom, we walked over to bus stop. Guess what, we flagged the bus but while saying our goodbyes, the driver thought we weren’t getting on and just drove off! That was the last bus of the night too!!! Fortunately, we stayed pretty close so took a cab back to Seoul Station which set us back for about 4000-5000 Won only.

Time to pack our bags for early morning departure T.T

Miss N

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