
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, September 18, 2015

Spring Break in Korea Day 9 (5 April 2015)

Sunday = Lazy Day (yes, it applies even when you are on holiday :D)

Our simple yet yummy breakfast at noon

All 3 of us slept in and had late breakfast around noon! Then we set out around 2pm for Hongdae.  God, it was extremely crowded in Hongdae. I couldn’t remember Hongdae streets being this packed, except while I was chasing Jang Geun Seok during the filming of drama "Marry Me Mary" and Yoon Shi Yoon  (from drama "Baker King Kim Tak Gu") during the filming of Guerrilla Date, back in 2010, as a exchange student at Korea University.  Hahaha I did spot quite a few of Korean celebrities then.  I was such a cray cray girl for K-Pop & K-Drama back in 2010 but I'm much calmer now :D

2 of us outside Seoul Station Exit 4, nearest to AREX line

Anyway, back to our day.  We had lunch at Yeolbong Jjimdak restaurant opened by Korean celebrity Se7en.  It was located on the first floor above HO Bar Ten. Andong Jjimdak is a famous chicken dish of Andong region, with chicken, rice cake, carrot, potato and noodles. 

Though the coloring is on the brown side due to soy-bean sauce, do not mislead you into thinking it is not spicy.  As Mister couldn't really eat spicy food, we ordered Andong Jjimdak with spiciness level 1 and it was still pretty spicy! Oh remember to cut the noodles with scissor as they were quite impossible to be cut with just spoon. While Mister was a big fan of Andong Jjimdak, I didn't really like it, probably because soy-bean sauce was just not my favorite taste.  I love their rice balls though.

We ordered rice balls to go along with 1 dish of Andong Jjimdak and 2 bowls of plain rice. The serving size was big enough for 3 of us.  We couldn’t even finish all our food!

We then embarked on a bit of walking and shopping in Hongdae before taking a short cab ride to Yeonhui-dong café area.  Cab fare was only around 4,000 Won. Yeonhui is a quieter neighbor of Hongdae with many quaint cafes, restaurants and boutiques hidden in the residential area.  Your landmark of exploring this area should be Sa-Reo-Ga shopping centre (사러).

We stopped by at Espresso Haus Café, located next to Sa-Reo-Ga shopping centre (사러). It was around 4pm and we needed something to wake us up from our after-lunch drowsy feeling. According to the two coffee lovers with me, espresso there was quite good.  The café offers peaceful ambience, for you to enjoy your "me time" or do your work or spend quality time with your loved ones. It was definitely not a place for rowdy crowd. There were plenty of space with 3 floors and the top floor was an extremely quiet area meant for doing school work or office work.  I was quite surprised and happy that cafés here encourage you to do your work in their premises, unlike several businesses in space-constraint Singapore.

After more than an hour in this serene café, we explored the neighborhood and found quite a lot of interesting architectures. We wanted to embark on café hopping but the combined effect of late breakfast, late lunch and one coffee stop ensured that our tummies was bulging. However, if you are up to the challenge, try "Café 129-11", "Peter Pan Bakery" and "Café Vincennes" most known for their blueberry pancake (actually pancake with blueberry compote on top).  If you need to buy groceries, there is a supermarket in Sa-Reo-Ga shopping centre (사러), which actually reminded me of Market Place in Singapore and Traders' Joe in the States. There was even a florist next to this high-end grocery store.

Take a stroll, sip coffee, enjoy tranquil beauty of this neighborhood away from the hectic city life

In Mister's case, we gotta include doing exercise at public park :D

If you have the patience, join this queue for famous Yeonhui Kimbab!

We then took bus 7017 for about 20 minutes to head to Edae for more shopping and eating. Whenever we were in Edae, we never failed to get egg breads and this spicy chicken. So shiok (Singlish slang meaning "great")!  

Miss N

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