
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

NUS Gang in Korea Day 7 (3 April 2015) - Part II

After a satisfying lunch, we continued onto Samcheon-dong neighborhood from Tosokchon (the place marked with a red pin at the bottom left corner of the above map).

In my previous trip 2 years ago, we walked the other way round, from Samcheon-dong towards Tosokchon.  Either way is fine, depending on your schedule.


We took a stroll from Tosokchon, back to the main gate of Gyeongbokgung, and along the palace walls on the Eastern side. Then cross the road into Samcheon-ro street, marked in the above map with a red line.

Alternatively, you could take subway for 1 station from Gyeongbokgung to Anguk and begin the exploration of the area from Anguk Station, Exit 3. That was our starting point of the Bukchon+Samcheondong stroll during Mister exchange student days. 

Samcheon-dong is a quaint area dotted with many unique museums (Owl museum, anyone?), cozy cafes, organic beauty shops and pretty boutique stores. 

Spring was admittedly more beautiful. This was taken 2 years ago in May 2013.

Highlight was Innisfree store and red-bean porridge dessert, located on the Samcheon-ro street. This slightly expensive (7000 won per bowl) was served inside a nondescript brick one-story building. As soon as you stepped into the shop, you would feel like you had traveled back in time, with its retro ambiance. Seating is limited so people don't linger for long though.  

Bukchon Hanok Village

Walking back the direction we came from, we passed by the Korean Banking Institute government compound on our left. Climbing a stone staircase from the street level (the staircase is located like a 3-min walk away from red bean porridge dessert shop, near Haagen-Dazs.  Look out for the sign!) led us to the Bukchon Hanok Village around 4pm.   

This is the staircase I'm talking about.  (from May 2013)

It is actually a 600-year-old urban neighborhood, used to be a residential quarter of high-ranking government officials.  Currently, this area is a combination of residences, hanok guesthouses, cultural centers and traditional tea houses. This is definitely a great neighborhood to take a stroll, get lost in its many alleys and let your mind wonder how it would have looked during its glorious days as the prime residential area of Joseon Dynasty. 

Today, Bukchon is turned into a tourist attraction by popular television shows such as 2 Days 1 Night and Personal Taste (starring Lee Minho).  There were several photo-spots (as shared in details in my posts about previous trip) but we should be mindful of the residents and should preserve the quiet peacefulness. 

Jogyesa Temple

Both Bukchon and Jogyesa are located near Anguk station so we just ambled along and stumbled upon the very first post office of Korea around 5:30pm.  Did you know that it is STILL in operation till today?  

Jogyesa Temple is just next to the post office and it was beautifully decorated with colorful lanterns. With the main temple building about 500 years old and the seven-story stone pagada known to house a piece of Sa-Kya-Mu-Ni Buddha's sarira, one should at least spend a few minutes to soak in the zen atmosphere at this temple.

How to get there: Jonggak Station, Line 1, Exit 2 (or)
                            Anguk Station, Line 3, Exit 6 (or)

Opening Hours: 24 hours

Insa-dong & Myeong-dong

We stopped by at Insa-dong to purchase some last minute souvenir items on the way back to Jogyesa Temple.  My friends also stock up on goodies from Bonjuk porridge shop such as squid kimchi.  Then, we took subway and ended up back in Myeong-dong (for the THIRD time in one week). Girls and their shopping - there is never an end to it, you know :D 

We finally managed to get a table at one of the 2 Yoogane outlets in Myeong-dong and converted our friends into fans of Dakgalbi (stir-fried marinated chicken in chili pepper paste). With the left over stir-fried chicken, we requested the wait staff to make fried rice with seaweed.  Yummy! Dinner only cost 69,000 Won for 6 of us - a fraction of what we would have paid in Yoogane Singapore!

Our agenda afterwards was just to pack everything, enjoy supper and stay up as last as possible to delay the end of our fun-filled trip. Nonetheless, around 2am, we had to give in to sleep monster, oh so reluctantly.    I really can't wait for the next trip with these guys!!

Miss N

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