
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Monday, May 18, 2015

NUS Gang in Cameron Highlands Day 3 (28 July 2014)

We spent our last morning of the trip, leisurely taking photos around the resort and enjoying an unhurried, relaxing breakfast.  The shuttle picked up the bus group at our resort around 930 am. Afterwards, we checked out and started the long drive home as well.

Along the way, we saw this Lavender Garden and made an impromptu decision to go in! Entrance fees was also 5 Ringgit per adult. It was beautiful and I enjoyed this garden way more than I did Rose Center.  One possible reason could be that roses are commonly found in Southeast Asia while lavender is seen as a novelty. 

There were abundance of lavender, morning glories,  daisies and lettuce.  You can pick your own strawberries here too! Rows upon rows of chrysanthemum flowers were not accessible to visitors though. There was a gift shop and an ice-cream parlor as well. Mister tried lavender ice-cream for 5 or 6 Ringgit but it wasn't very tasty.

Our charming boy got me a gorgeous white daisy too. Mister, time to step up your game :D

After more than an hour, we left the stunning farm around 11:20am and continued on our journey. Every good thing must come to an end so a cooling climate gave way to a hot humid weather. We had to rest at 2 pit stops before reaching Johor Bahru as the car was heated up. 

We had a late dinner at Stone Grill JB around 9pm before wrapping up our trip.  Fortunately for us, it ended on a good note as there was again no line at Woodlands checkpoint. HOORAY!!!

It was a fun-filled trip spent in great company.  Although it was just a short 3-day journey, all of us were really ecstatic and vowed to travel together again soon. And I'm happy to say our plan became a reality in April 2015 when we toured the Kimchi land (:

Stay tuned about  our trip to the K-land!  


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