
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mister's First Trip to Myanmar (May 2012)

Although we have started dating since 2008, Mister has not been to Myanmar, not even once. Of course, that is not acceptable yea :D So we planned! 

Since I was already planning to go home for a short visit after my final exams in the NUS (National University of Singapore), I asked him to go with me.  As we were planning his trip, he had doubts like "would he be granted a tourist visa because he held a US passport".  [Nope, I am not dating an Ang Moh. He is just an ABC - American Born Chinese :D] I had to repeatedly reassure him that he would be given a visa and there is nothing to fear at the immigration. Of course, as I told him, he easily obtained a visa.  By the way, Myanmar Embassy (Singapore) is located near Orchard Road. The address is 15 St Martin's Drive, Singapore 257996. 

Luckily, just as we were thinking of buying air tickets for him, MAI (Myanmar Airways International) was having promotions. Mister just ended up paying less than S$300 for his return ticket with a full service airline! For a 3-hour-flight! So worth it, right?

For those of you who are thinking of going to Myanmar but are discouraged by the expensive ticket prices, do check out MAI Facebook Page and websites of Jetstar, Silkair and SIA.  Sometimes, you can even fly with Singapore Airlines (SIA) for S$400! For MAI promotion tickets, I guess you will have to buy from any of the travel agencies in Peninsula Plaza (near City Hall MRT).  

Thai Airways fly to Myanmar too but I am not sure about their ticket prices.  The good thing is Thai Airways not only fly to Yangon (biggest city in Myanmar and the commercial hub of the country), but also to Mandalay (second biggest city in Myanmar and the cultural hub?).

If you wanna save more money, you can fly with Air Asia.  The downside is Air Asia does not fly direct from Singapore to Myanmar.  You gotta transit at KL Budget Terminal and it was not exactly a pleasant experience for me.  The prices are super cheap though. In 2011, I paid a total of S$123 for 4 flights! Yes, you read it right. FOUR Flights (Singapore -> KL, KL -> Myanmar, Myanmar -> KL, KL -> Singapore). BUT I would not recommend it as the KL budget terminal is not exactly conducive for resting and all these transits would really waste so much of your time! So unless you really really really need to save money, please don't choose Air Asia. 

Okay, back to Mister's visit. 

Visa - checked
Air Ticket - checked
Myanmar Currency - change in Myanmar [Very few money changers in Singapore have Myanmar currency. Even if they do, the rate is not so good.  So you should just change at the Yangon International Airport.  There are a few banks at the airport's arrival area.]

So away we go!  He was in Myanmar for 10 days (from 19 May 2012 to 28 May 2012). Our itinerary is as follow:
Day 1 - Yangon [take overnight Yangon-Mandalay bus, approximately 9-10 hours]
Day 2 - Pyin Oo Lwin
Day 3 - Mandalay
Day 4 - Bagan
Day 5 - Bagan & Mount Popa
Day 6 - Kyaukse [take overnight Mandalay-Yangon bus, approximately 9-10 hours]
Day 7 - Yangon
Day 8 - Yangon
Day 9 - Motorcycle lessons for Mister!
Day 10 - Back to Singapore with 8am flight

I will be sharing more details about our trip in my next few posts! 

Miss N

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