
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Saturday, March 18, 2017

USA Trip Day 30 - 3 Oct 2014 - San Francisco Suburbs

I had to finish packing early as my highschool friend would pick me up around noon for lunch. 

We haven't seen each other since I was 17-18 years old so it has been a decade! I was happy our friendship remained the same despite being apart for such a long time. 

I don't know about others, but I very much prefer face to face catch up over emails or Facebook. I feel that giving time to be with each other shows sincerity in keeping that relationship, rather than just for show to others in social media. 

Do you know what else I was happy with? Lunch!
This family-run Millbrae Pancake House has been around for almost 60 years and I must say, pancakes were delectable. (But IHOP would still be my No.1, shhhhh)

After lunch, her boyfriend had to go home so he called UBER to send us to the nearest BART station. That detail was significant enough to report because that was the very first time I have heard of UBER and used one.  Only a couple months later, such ridesharing app had gained tremendous popularity in Asia. 

My first experience? It was interesting.  My friend and her boyfriend was complaining over the phone about our driver in Burmese ( I really couldn't recall the reason), but it turned out that the driver was also Burmese! Face palm moment. Like the world is that small? Even on the other side? Needless to say, the entire journey was awkward. 

Luckily, it was a short ride to the BART station and we took train to my friend's workplace to collect her car, which she left the night before. She then drove me back to Uncle's house. 

First, we stopped for some Mexican snacks :D

When I reached back around 5pm, Mister and his dad were back from their last minute shopping trip too. We had dinner together with Mister's grandma and while we couldn't communicate well due to language barrier (I speak zero Cantonese), I could feel her sincerity and good heart. Feeling indebted to kind Uncle for taking care of us during this one month, we cleaned the house while he was sending grandma back.

The next day (4 Oct), we felt quite sober since our trip was coming to a close. Even before boarding the plane home, we were feeling holiday blues already! Oh well. 

We left home around 11am for our 2:10pm SQ flight back to Singapore, with a short transit at Incheon, South Korea. Even plane food made us miss our trip T-T 
We finally landed in the little red dot in the early hours of the following day (5 Oct), 3am to be exact.  Despite SQ taking care of our tummies so well by feeding us often, Mister needed to eat again at the Changi Airport. Hzzz  Maybe holiday blue was getting to him too :D 

When we stepped into an eatery, this rows and rows of tin biscuit containers greeted us, to welcome us back to Asia.

Finally I finished my USA travelogues after more than 2 years! woohooo

Miss N

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