
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, February 23, 2018

Deutschland - Schengen Visa Application for Product Training (25 April - 7 May 2016)

When I received an email about product training course in Germany, I was both excited and anxious.  Excited because it means a trip to Europe!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee 

But at the same time, I was quite anxious since I would be alone and it was a place totally foreign to me! I mean I have been to quite a few places in Asia.  Outside of this continent, Mister and I visited the States together and that's it.  

Other than unfamiliarity,  I was distressed about EU visa application, thanks to my Myanmar passport.   Travel agents were also reluctant to apply visa for me since their business will be blacklisted by the respective embassies if I overstay in Europe.  So I decided to apply visa and buy air ticket on my own, and hotel accommodation will be handled by the training organiser.  If you are like me and need a visa, let me walk you though the process, which was quite painless if you could provide all  required documents.
Image result for visa

1> Choose an embassy 
You have to get EU / Schengen visa from an embassy of the country of your entry or of your longest stay during your trip.

2> Get appointment slot online
This is important as all applications are strictly on appointment basis. And its completely normal to have to wait 1-2 months for your appointment.  When I logged into the system in mid-March, the earliest slot was mid-April.  There was no room for error for me as timeline was quite tight.

3> Prepare all required documents, including travel insurance, air ticket and hotel reservations

I spent around USD 1400 for my return ticket with Thai Airways (YGN-BKK-FRA and FRA-BKK-YGN). I know the price was quite steep and could have saved if I had purchased tickets during promotions. However, sales tickets could not be cancelled or changed dates and that's the risk I didn't want to take. I wasn't sure about visa and only bought tickets after submitting all documents as I was confident of visa approval only then.   I would rather spend a few hundreds more, rather than forfeiting a thousand dollar tickets you know?  So I submitted visa application with my air-ticket reservation slip from travel agent.

4> Be on time for your appointment
Remember to bring USD for visa application fees. I remember feeling quite worried as I was still in Singapore on the morning of my appointment.  You had no idea how hard I pray not to have any flight delay on my way back to Yangon! Thank god I made it on time for my afternoon appointment with a few minutes to spare!

5> Collection
I remember feeling so relieved like FINALLY!  I initially was in this grey zone, I didn't dare to pack or plan the places to visit.  There was no point in getting my hopes high if I couldn't go.  Even the travel agent asked me multiple times if I was sure about paying for ticket, as he was concerned about not getting approval in time. Phew what a relief. Afterwards, there was a flurry of activities with wrapping up my work at office, packing, buying Euros, and what not.  

Keep reading for my Frankfurt days. Maybe not. Because, now I'm tinkering with this idea for short videos for future blog posts :D

Miss N

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