
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Friday, May 19, 2017

Bagan with Friends - 20 June 2015

I had been to Bagan once with my family when I was about 12-13 years old and another time with Mister, during his first visit to Myanmar in 2012.  I did share about my second trip on this blog but bear with my writing as I had just started blogging then. Hopefully I have improved since then?

As I had been there twice, I was actually telling my friends to consider another destination where we all haven't been before such as northern Kachin State, western Rakhine State and Chin State or southern Mergui Archipelago.  But majority won and I found myself on the bus towards Bagan in the wee hours of 20 June 2015.  

Pitstop food!

Can't believe we went on a road trip in this gloomy weather :D

In Myanmar, the peak travel season is Nov-Feb when the weather is cooling enough to allow us the best fun in comfort.  Summer time temperatures can easily soar astronomically above 40C, especially in the dry central plains where Mandalay and Bagan are located. So visiting Bagan during the monsoon season has its pros and cons - we could avoid the crowd, secure accommodations easily at competitive prices and didn't have to fear for dehydration under the unforgiving summer sun.  However, we had to pray hard there wouldn't be any downpour during our 3 day trip since rain is simply not conducive for sightseeing or photo-taking.

For 10 of us, we rented a 20-seater mini bus with 1 driver and 1 attendant.  Inclusive of all toll gate fees, fuel, food and accommodation for 2 of them, we paid ~700,000 Kyats for our 3-day journey.  So each of us spent only 70,000 Kyats for the entire trip's transportation! 

Even when we take overnight buses from Yangon, return ticket would cost us around 40,000 Kyats, and that's excluding transportation around Bagan!  Now, we spent about the same amount and had the flexibility to visit Mount Popa as well as stopped by Nay Pyi Daw on the way back.

After 10 hours journey (including a break at the pit stop along Yangon-Mandalay Expressway), we reached our hotel around 12:30pm.  As I paid only USD 40 per pax per night (worked out to USD 80 per room per night), I didn't expect much. But the Tharabar Gate Hotel in Old Bagan blew me away! What awaits me was a row of quaint charming bungalows, nestled within the leafy resort.  I felt instantly relaxed even though we just survived a 10 hours bus journey.  

Deluxe Twin Room at the Tharabar Gate Hotel 

Teak floor & High Ceilings

We were starving by the time we were done with check-in so we just decided to eat at the hotel restaurant. Oh boy, what a mistake it was.  I don't think we ordered elaborate items but they took a whooping 45 minutes to serve us 10 people, when there was no other guest! T-T

Anyway, we embarked on sightseeing only at 2:45pm, with the impressive Ananda Temple.  There are 4 Buddha images, facing each direction - North, South, East, West. 

West-facing Gautama Buddha, covered in gold leaf 
Fun Fact: The further you stand back, the Buddha's smile seems to get broader.

Along the inner passage, multiple sculptures were carved out to represent Buddha's life from birth to death. I just couldn't help but wonder how these ancient architects and engineers managed this enormous structure, packed with numerous intricate details! 

I am not sure if you have heard of the #FollowMeTo project on Instagram. The couple who started this trend visited Myanmar and of course, the magnificent Ananda Temple was featured in one of their many fascinating photos.

A buddhist temple built in 1105 AD, during the reign of King Kyan Zit Tha

The King supposedly ordered all architects to be killed after the construction so that they would never be able to recreate a similar masterpiece anywhere else, rendering Anada as the unique temple. 

Our second stop - That Byin Nyu Temple 
(At over 60 meters, this is one of the the tallest pagodas in Bagan)

That Byin Nyu was built in 1144 by King A Laung Sithu in a two-storey structure style - a rare design in Bagan during that era.

Our third stop - Dam Ma Yan Gyi Temple which was never completed, following the passing of King Narathu 

Just look at how thick these walls are! 

Rumor has it that if a pin could pass between any two bricks, the King mandated the responsible workers to be killed due to their sub quality work.

They were just on the first level and there are six terraces in total. Being the largest temple in the plains of Bagan, of course there are many nooks and crannies to explore, if you dare to.  Many locals thought this temple is haunted due to the way many construction labors were killed for not doing their job properly. 

Our fourth stop was highlight of our Bagan trip - sunset viewing at the Pyathadar / Pyathetgyi Temple.

We picked this one as Shwe San Daw is a bit too touristy while not offering much space.  
With a sizable terrace at  Pyathadar / Pyathetgyi, there is space for everyone, wishing to be mesmerized by the breathtaking sunset that Bagan is famous for. 

Look at that interrupted panoramic view of the plains of Bagan 

Boyband pose? :D 

We were initially quite worried as the sky was pretty cloudy. However, we were treated to a marvelous sunset so that's happy us! 

We made two more stops before heading back to hotel. The first was Sulamani temple, built in 1183 by King Nara Pati Sithu. Make sure to check out the incredible fresco artwork on the temple's interior.

Next was Bu Paya, perched on the bank of Ayeyarwaddy River. Built by the third King of Bagan, King Pyu Saw Hti (168-243 AD), it was supposed to be one of the oldest pagodas in Bagan. Unfortunately, the original pagoda broke into pieces and fell into river during the 1975 earthquake. What we see today is a gilded reconstructed version with modern day materials. 

Dusk over Ayeyarwaddy River

Late lunch + nice pool at the hotel so we decided to go for a dip before dinner. But guess what, both I and my roommate didn't bring our swim suits! FAIL hahaha Lady Luck was on our side though since the hotel has last 2 pieces of swimsuits left.  Not many choices but who cares about the ugly prints- it was dark at the pool area :D 

While we were having too much fun at the pool, many restaurants already closed.  We were starving.  Our bus had drove off to their accommodation!  Hungry us were in danger of having to eat average food at the hotel restaurant, which would take close to an hour to prepare simple food.  

Blessed Shwe Myanmar Buffet restaurant though. When we called to ask if they are still open, they agreed to wait for us and even sent a mini truck to bring us to the restaurant! 

There were bountiful food as you can see and everything tasted so delectable.  I think I had second helping (or even third?) and guess how much we paid? Just 3,500 Kyats per person for this delightful local buffet!

We felt so bad to trouble the shop owners after dinner so we told them we would walk back to hotel. Anyway, it was just a 10 minute stroll under the drizzling sky, which we quite enjoyed.  We stuffed ourselves silly during dinner after all.

That's it for Day 1 and we headed to bed after setting our alarms for 3:30am (unbelievable, I know!).

Miss N

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