
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

USA Trip Day 22 - 25 Sep 2014 - Touristy NYC (2)

It was 2:15pm. The drizzling rain has taken a break. The elusive Sun was taking a sneak peak into our world. We took a short bus ride towards the southern tip of Manhattan.  

An hour later, we found ourselves in front of this massive ship

The Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum was housed in the USS Intrepid which served tours of duty in both World War II and the Vietnam War. Additionally, it served as a recovery vessel for the Gemini and Mercury Space Missions. 

Onboard submarine Growler

The only American diesel-powered strategic missile submarine open to the public 

This massive galley (kitchen) was where food was prepared for Intrepid's more than 3000 strong crew.

Museum was founded in 1982 with the acquisition of the legendary aircraft carrier - Intrepid.

Have you guys watched Hollywood movie "Gravity" starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney?  It positively helped us understand how space missions returned to earth and the necessity of recovery vessels.

We spent 2 hours wholly exploring many exhibitions ranging from 28 authentically restored aircraft to Enterprise - the world's first space shuttle that paved the way for America's successful space shuttle program a few years later.

The 7pm Harbor Lights Sunset Cruise only required us to board around 6:45pm so we had 1 and a half hours to kill. I certainly wanted to spend half an hour on board the Beast - the fastest speedboat in NYC at a heart pounding speed of 45mph. It was included in NY Pass too but wretched weather caused temporary closing of the Beast.  

The autumn wind was too biting to be able to spend prolonged hours outdoor.  I was honestly questioning my sanity or rather insanity on choosing a 2-hour sunset cruise. So what should we do then? EAT! 

Early dinner of burgers and chips in a sailor-themed restaurant

Reasonable prices and generous portions and not that delectable?

Crazy tourists enjoying cruise ride in frigid weather :D

When the cruise returned to dock at 9pm, we took a short bus ride toward the Empire State Building.  

Imposing and magnificent New York Public Library

It was past the opening hours (10am - 8pm) so we couldn't go inside. If you are around the area, please go in as I had read smashing reviews of the enchanting interiors.

There was an insanely long queue for security clearance at the Empire State Building. Apparently, people favored night view of the city over daytime.  Oh selfie sticks were banned and security would keep it and ask you to collect it at the end of your visit.  

 Fun Fact: the building was finished one month ahead of the scheduled completion date of 1 April, 1931!

The Empire State Building tops out at 1250 feet (or 1454 feet including the antenna mast). This gigantic project required 57,000 tons of steel, 10 million bricks, 62000 cubic yards of concrete, 10000 tons of plaster, 6514 windows, and 70 elevators installed in 7 miles of shafts and 120 miles of hoisting ropes.

We joined the line at 9:30pm and reached the observation deck at 10:10pm.  Along the way, we spent a few minutes, studying the incredible architecture and engineering feat of the era. 

As it was already the last stop of the day, we braved the frosty temperatures and stayed on the observation deck for over an hour.  

Covering an entire city block, the world's largest Macy's store is the NYC's must-see landmark.  Opened as a dried goods store in 1858, Macy's has been part of American people's lives for many long years. The store has integrated itself into NYC's culture, with many exclusive NYC stores and restaurants offering delectable treats. Remember to check out the original wooden escalators to explore the 11 floors of this iconic Macy's.

When we reached the subway station near the Empire State Building, it was almost midnight but thanks heaven for NYC subway network which operates 24 hours. 13 stops on line M or R brought us back home to Elmhurst Ave Station.  At almost 1am, we were completely knackered. Grabbing a quick shower and hitting the sack was an only option for us.

Miss N

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