
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mr & Missy in Myanmar - Day 6 & 7 - 24 & 25 Dec 2013

After a gruesome bus journey, we finally made it to the town of Kyaukse at 4 am. Famous for its Kyaukse Elephant Dance, this is the hometown of Missy's father. 

We would spend the next 2 days here witnessing a traditional Burmese Buddhist procession called the Ah-hlu. The Ah-hlu basically is a celebration that is held for a family when they donate generously to the local Buddhist monastery. Missy's youngest uncle had recently donated and held the Ah-hlu procession also to send his sons to become monks at the monastery. This is a traditional rite of passage for all Burmese Buddhists boys to show their coming of age. They typically spend a minimum of 3 days at a monastery to follow and learn from the monks. For me, it was truly an honour to be able to witness such a procession as I have never seen anything close to that before.

 Young girls take part in the procession too! Ear piercing ceremony is the rite of passage for girls.

Also, for me to blend in better with the locals, I was given a set of traditional Burmese clothes (thank you Uncle Sun!). I have never worn something like this before and this was another first for me. The bottom piece is basically a 'longyi' or sarong and had to be secured properly. Because it was my first time wearing it, I had to engage the help of missy's male relatives to assist me if not, I would be in for a major wardrobe malfunction. 

 Assorted Tempura! (gourd, corn, beans, tofu etc)

We enjoyed assorted tempura with yellow sticky rice

After the procession ended for the day, we retreated to one of my favourite hangout places in Kyaukse, the Galaxy Cafe.  Its the only cafe in Kyaukse that offers free wifi access as well as constant electrical supply. Also, it was here in this cafe that I had one of the best juices I have ever had in my life. Its just a very simple glass of apple juice but somehow, this juice was just different from all the other juices I've had before. The freshness of the apples was really evident and the whole drink just tasted so refreshing. Maybe it could have been attributed to the hot weather but during this December trip, the weather was rather cooling and yet, the juice still offered the same fresh and refreshing taste. All this goodness for just 1000 kyats.

After our little tea break, we went back and rested up for another long day of processions ahead. After all, we needed the rest from the hellish bus ride the night before.

First, let us take a selfie :D

The next morning, the second part of the Ah-hlu was held, an all-day banquet. When we got there, we were just wowed and amazed by the amount of food and guests that were present. Basically the entire town of Kyaukse showed up to dine and show their support for missy's uncle. 

 Special Sarong prepared for Missy & her sis - the level of details involved in creating this sequined masterpiece was just wow!

 Special Sarong prepared for Missy & her sis - the level of details involved in creating this sequined masterpiece was just wow!

 With Missy's nephews

The two sisters with their cousins

 Us on Day 2 of Ah-hlu

 With the two princesses

Missy in her special Sarong

Also, today was also a very special day as it was Christmas Day. I usually have a tradition of going to Church on Christmas Day and missy's family were all very supportive and even got me in touch with the local church which I really truly appreciate. Although the service was held entirely in Burmese, it just felt good to sit in during Christmas Day. Missy was also nice enough to accompany me and not leave me all by myself :D

We didn't have much planned for the rest of the day so we just spent some time with our little nephews and nieces and especially, our little adopted daughter:)

That night, we had to say goodbye to everyone as we were scheduled on the overnight bus back to Yangon. 

Thank you all in Kyaukse for letting me be part of your Ah-hlu, it was truly a once in a lifetime experience. 


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