
Travelling leaves you speechless. Then turn you into a storyteller. Hope I have been a good one ^.^

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mr & Missy in Myanmar - Day 3 - 21 Dec 2013

On such a cold day (definitely below 10C), enjoying the warmth of cocoon between the thick blanket and a bed, further comforted by the heater, was just a bliss.  We had a hard time getting out of bed. But we forced ourselves to get ready and pack our stuff due to the long day of sightseeing ahead. By 8:30 am, we were enjoying breakfast on the balcony, overlooking the Shan mountain range. Due to the cold weather, we could fully appreciate the warm sun light without breaking any sweat. But our food turned cold sooo fast! So we had no choice but to eat as fast as possible.  By 9 am, we had checked out and loaded our luggage onto the van, ready to head out.

Outside our bungalow at Hill Top Villa 

 Meet my cuddly sister haha :D

Spot the guest of honor :D

Our first stop for the day was Pindaya caves - located about less than 2 hours drive away from Kalaw.  There are 3 caves on the ridge but only the southernmost cave can be entered and it extends for about 490 feet along a well-worn path.  The cave contains over 8000 Buddha images, with the earliest one dates back to 1773.  Although most statues are of late 18th and early 19th century, many other statues and images have been placed there on an on-going basis by different donors throughout the cave's history up until the present time. The collection as a whole forms an impressive display of Buddhist iconography and art from early Kongbaung era to the modern period.  No other place in Burma displays such a  range of style, not only in the images but also in the ornamental thrones which surround the images.  Among the many legends surrounding the cave, one of the most popular ones was that the blocked off path at the end of the cave leads to another ancient city of Bagan or Mandalay.

 Along the drive to Pindaya caves

 We were at the foot of hills leading up to Pindaya caves by 10:30 am.

If you are feeling energetic, you could choose the climb the 200-steps up the sheltered stairway from the car park to reach the cave. For the rest of lazy-bums like us, there is a more convenient option of elevator.  Around the car park, there were also several shops selling snacks (dried tofu, dried rice crackers, pickled tea leaves, peanut crackers) and other souvenirs (Shan cotton blouse, Shan-style bags). You can always try samples before making purchases (:

We left Pindaya caves around 12:15 pm and stopped by at the massive banyan trees to take a few photos.  They were photogenic haha

Spotted this roadside stall selling Mont-Lin-Ma-Yar / husband & wife snack! So we bought some and shared! so yummy. especially since we were hungry :D This snack is prepared by frying rice flour batter with spring onion & pae-byout (peas).  Quail egg is an optional ingredient.  Two halves are fried separately before combined together, sprinkled with sesame seed powder and served.  Thus, the name of husband & wife snack.  

Since we were starving, the next stop is naturally lunch.   Green Tea Restaurant located along the Botalote Lake in the Pindaya town. It was very clean (even the washrooms) and the view of the lake was great.  Unfortunately, we didn't make any reservation so all the tables on the balcony, overlooking the lake were occupied :( Nonetheless, we enjoyed our lunch with cooling breezes from the lake.  While Mister enjoyed the food, the rest of us didn't exactly enjoy it.  Although they were Myanmar curry dishes, I felt that they tasted unnecessarily sweet? Like its to cater to the taste buds of tourists. 

We spent about an hour for lunch and set off at 1:30 pm. One of our friends had a family friend who was working as a doctor in Pindaya town and he stopped by to say hello.  Then, we set off towards Red Mountain Winery.  On the way, we stopped by at Ba-Wa-Tan-Ta-Yar bridge (Near Heho Town) to snap some photos for keepsake.  Its quite a beautiful place, truly.

When we reached Ba-Wa-Tan-Ta-Yar bridge, it was already 3:30 pm and the sun sets before 6 pm in Shan. It would be best if we were at the hotel inside Inle lake by sunset as it would not be very safe to be on a ferry after dark. So we had to rush off and didn't get a chance to truly savor the ambiance. 

We reached Red Mountain Winery around 4:30 pm and we had till 5 pm to explore the vineyard and took part in wine tasting.  It was quite a rush, let me assure you.  

A brief background
-  French winemaker was recruited in 2002
- In 2003, variety of grape plants were imported from France, Israel and & Spain and grown in Inle Valley.
- Construction of winery also started in 2003
- In 2006, 1000 bottles of red and white wines were produced for the first time.
- 2011 witnessed the opening of Red Mountain Restaurant with its amazing view over the valley.

 Just 2000 Kyats nett (less than 3 SGD) for wine tasting with 4 glasses

 Mister bought a bottle of wine for just 10,000 Kyats (less than 14 SGD)
The sun was setting! Andddd we hurried off to Nyaung Shwe jetty to catch a ferry to Royal Inle Resort / Inle Palace Resort.

The ferry arranged by Golden Express Tour was already waiting for us when we reached Nyaung Shwe Jetty, just before 5:30 pm.

We did reach before 6 pm! Mission accomplished :D

It took us about 15 min to reach to the resort from Nyaung Shwe Jetty. As the ferry was approaching the resort entrance, we heard traditional music so we thought we were so lucky to reach our resort just in time for live performance. As we got closer, I realized there was no audience. Then we found out that they were performing for US! It was a welcome performance actually lol It made us feel so special hehe

The rooms were super spacious.  Each room was a private bungalow and has a balcony, overlooking the lake!

After dinner & shower, we were so tired that we couldn't do anything else but hit the sack.

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